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“Nari Ekta” which means “Women United” was established in 1985 to cater for the specific training needs of women from South East Asia.  Nari Ekta is funded by Leeds City Council.  The Scheme has gained exemption from the Race Relations Act and the Sex Discrimination Act, which enables us to take only unemployed Ethnic Minority women, as trainees.  Nari Ekta has also been registered as an Industrial Provident Society and has a constitution, which gives us charitable status.

Mission statement

To enable young Ethnic Minorities women aged 16 and over, to achieve their full potential through specially designed & supported Educational and Training Programme.

Aims and Objectives of the Organisiation

  • To enable unemployed female aged 16 and over from Ethnic Minorities Communities with priority given to Asian communities, to achieve their full potential through specially designed & supported Educational and Training Programmes in IT, Administration, Bookkeeping, English, Maths, Basic Skills as well as job search skills and work experience

  • To offer gateway into education, training and employment for Ethnic Minority women by providing a base of only female environment which is non-threatening

  • To provide quality of service to our client group, through the monitoring and evaluation of services and staff development

  • To actively promote the development of local communities through participation and the provision of IAG (Information, Advice and Guidance) support